Plant-Based Thanksgiving Ideas

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I love Thanksgiving!

Aside from all the other cool things about the day, it’s a chance to make all your favorite traditional dishes, whether they go back to your childhood or only a few years. I now have so many “special” dishes that I can’t fit them all into one day—and that doesn’t count new recipes I still want to try. I’ll probably spill them into Christmas meal planning or wait until next year.

I hope you find a few great plant-based Thanksgiving recipes here to try. All of the recipes I recommend have been tested with picky omnivores, meaning for each vegan dish you make, you should be able to replace another dish rather than increase the total number. 

Here is the line-up of my favorite Thanksgiving ideas, with links to recipes.


Savory pie

Vegetable or pasta casserole

Cakes or Fritters


Gravy and Dressing


Other vegetables


Pie or Cheesecake




Ice Cream

Whipped Cream